Bromeliad Red/Yellow center
Pot: 6inch
Height: 12inches to 16inches
Can take semi sun to shade
Bromeliads are easy to care for, beautiful plants for your home, patio, or yard. There are a few native to Florida, but most originated in Central and South America and the Caribbean, where they are found growing in trees and on rocks. Because of their natural habitat they grow very well in the ground, on rocks, and even mounted on wood.
Most bromeliads need shade or indirect light. Many varieties can take a couple hours of direct sun though, normally in the early morning or late afternoon. The key is, if you can get sunburned there, so can your plant. Also, if you have a variety that has color in its foliage (when not in bloom) and you find it turning green, as a general rule, it needs more (indirect) light.
Potted bromeliads do not like to be over watered; you only want to water them every 10 to 14 days. Potted bromeliads can get root rot if they are over watered. When you water your plant, make sure that you water it both in the center of the plant as well as the soil around the base of the plant.
Mounted bromeliads need more attention. Because they do not have the soil to keep moisture in, they need to be watered 2 to 3 times per week. When you water the mounted plants, make sure to get water in the center of the plant and you also want to soak the root ball. Any way that you can get water in both places is a good way.
Bromeliads like to be fed about once a month. You should use a well-balanced house plant fertilizer. Using a liquid form of 20-20-20 in your water once a month is good. Some varieties such as neoregelias can turn green if they are fertilized too much.